Approximate Weights of Various Construction Material Per Cubic Yard

Material lbs./cu. yd.  tons/cu. yd, Material  lbs./cu. yd.  tons/cu. yd,
Andesine Stone 4887 2.44 Earth & Sand, wet 3240 1.62
Ashes 1080 .52 Fire brick 3915 1.95
Asphalt 2700 1.35 Fire Clay 3510 1.75
Asphaltum 2349 1.17 Garbage 1150 .57
Basalt Rock 4887 2.44 Gravel, dry 2970 1.48
Brick, soft clay 2718 1.35 Gravel, out of water 1620 .81
Brick, hard clay 3397 1.69 Granite 4536 2.26
Brick, pressed 3806 1.90 Lime, quick, loose 1431 .71
Brick, paving 3694 1.84 Lime, quick, shaken 1485 .70
Block, paving 3694 1.84 Limestone, solid 4536 2.26
Bluestone 2970 1.48 Limestone, loose 2592 1.29
Cement, natural 1512 .75 Marble, solid 4455 2.22
Cement, Portland 2430 1.21 Marble loose 2592 1.29
Cement Portland, set 4941 2.47 Mortar, set 2781 1.39
Cement Rosendale 1863 .93 Mud, dry 2430 1.21
Cinders 1080 .54 Mud, packed 3105 1.55
Clay, dry 1701 .85 Mud, wet 2916 1.45
Clay, wet 2970 1.48 Pitch 1863 .93
Clay & gravel, dry 2700 1.35 Plaster of paris 2646 1.32
Coal, Anthracite 1536 .76 Powder, blasting 1682 .84
Coal, Bituminous 1275 .64 Quartz 4374 2.18
Coke 837 .42 Rubbish 199.8 .09
Concrete, cinders 2970 1.48 Sand, dry, loose 2619 1.30
Concrete, gravel 4104 2.05 Sand, wet 3186 1.59
Concrete, limestone 4050 2.02 Sandstone 4023 2.01
Concrete, sandstone 3915 1.95 Slag, bank 1890 .94
Concrete, trap rock 4185 2.09 Slag, screenings 2700 1.35
Crush Stone 2700 1.35 Slag, machine 2592 1.29
Earth, dry, loose 1890 .94 Slag, sand 1485 .74
Earth, damp, loose 2106 1.05 Shale 4374 2.18
Earth, damp, packed 2592 1.29 Slate 4725 2.31
Earth & gravel, dry 2700 1.35 Tar 1674 .83
Earth & gravel, wet 3240 1.62 Tile 2970 1.43
Earth & sand, dry 2709 1.35 Trap stone 5849 2.52


Most gravel products will weight approximately 2,840 pounds per cubic yard or about 1.42 tons per cubic yard.
For most estimating purposes, consider the yield to be 3,000 pounds per cubic yard or 1.5 tons per cubic yard.


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    This web site was first published February 20, 2003.

    This page was last updated August 04, 2017.