This is our Sedelmeier family history web page.This is the home page for the genealogical history of the six primary German families known to make up our Sedelmeier family history. These six families are, Sedelmeier, Paschke, Priebe, Kaiser, Stall, and Doerflinger.
Other family names are of great interest because they are related and are part of our extended family.
These families are the Behrandt, Brandenburg, Göbel, Hohenzollern, Kronjaeger, Spier, Tescheu, Tillman, Twerk, Whitte, and Wohlfahrt.
This web page is being updated as soon as new data is developed. More research is being done all the time. This web site will be updated as more information is uncovered and analyzed. If this data is of interest to you, email us with questions or if you have any pertinent information about these families. Please feel free to contribute and share with us what you may have.
We are planning to make a Web Ring for each of these families. If you want to be a member of either of these family rings, let us know. The more pertinent data is shared, the easier it is to find those necessary links to our past. And as we have found out, sometimes just one date, name, places visited, or something we remembered from when we were children helps a great deal in our searches.
Thank you for visiting.

It is believed that the Sedelmeier clan originated among the Sachsen Tribes and settled in northern Germany in what is now Der Thuringen Wald area. It is believed some family members may still remain there.
From there some members moved south to Barvaria. Many of these Sedelmeiers settled in and around Munich, Bavaria. Several family members still reside there.
Our branch of the Sedelmeier family then left Munich, Bavaria and settled in the area south and west of Freiburg, in the town of Hausen am Nöhlen, near Bad Krozingen, on southern edge of the Black Forest(Schwarz Wald) in Baden-Würtembuerg. Alois Sedelmeier left Germany by way of Hamburg in 1923 and settled in North Canton, Ohio. After a few years he left Ohio and headed north to Detroit, Michigan. There he met Helen E. Priebe and they married May 25, 1936. They had four childern.
NOTE: Alois and his older brother Hindrich left Hausen, and on June 21, 1923 they steamed out of Hamburg, Deutschland(Germany) aboard the S.S. Westphalia headed for America.
To read a copy of the ship's manifest Click Here   NOTE: Passenger list, line numbers 27 & 28.
They entered the U.S. on July 04, 1923 through Ellis Island near New York City, N. Y. (U.S.A.)

Some Priebe family members had left northern Germany in the late 1880's. From the lander of Mecklenberg they went to and then departed from the seaport of Lübeck and headed to North America. They traveled by steamer up the St Lawerence River and then by railroad to Detroit, Michigan. They settled in and around Detroit, Michigan. Edward Priebe married Lillian Paschke and they had three daughters, Helen E., Loraine, and Virginia.
The Gottfried Kaiser family came from Mecklenberg also. In fact the Priebes and the Kaisers were friends and both left for America about the same time. However, it is believed that they may have traveled on different ships. Gottfried Kasier and his wife, Caroline (Behrandt), also settled in the area west of Detroit, Michigan. The Gottfried Kaisers had a farm at W. Warren & N. Telegraph Road, Dearborn, Michigan.
One of their sons, Emil Kaiser had a farm near Dexter, Michigan, in Webster township, Section 27 (1923 to mid 1950's). Emil's wife was Ida (Wohlfahrt)Kaiser. They had a son, Carlton and a daughter, Gerauldine(Barr). And one of Gottfried's daughters, Augusta, married Hindrich(Henry) Priebe. Henry Priebe had two sons, Edwin or Edward and Gottfried, and a daughter, Catherine (Kate). Augusta Kaiser died about 1908. Henry Kaiser's second wife was Caroline Spirea(spelling?). Edward (N) Priebe married Lillian Paschke in Detroit, Michigan. Another daughter, Hannah, married Mr. Fred Göbel and moved to Wynndote, Michigan.

The Carl (N) Paschke Sr. family came from the lander of Pomerania, Prussia. The exact area in the western part has not been established at this time. Carl Paschke Sr. and his wife Augusta Twerk has a son Charles (Charly) August Paschke Jr., Charles Jr. was 17 about seventeen years old when the family immigrated in 1880. The Paschkes settled in the Detroit, Michigan area. Charles (Charly) August Paschke (Jr). married Anna Stall on 02 September 1888. Anne's father was Wilhelm Stall and her mother was Wilhelmine Tescheu.
When Charles and Anne Paschke first married, they lived on Arndt Street and then Navahoe Street, (Off E. Jefferson Avenue), Detroit, Michigan. Carl Paschke and Anna Stahl had one son, Carl Emil, and six daughters, Clara, Lillian, Edna, Else, Edith, and Elma.
A Paschke family member lived on a lake in East Tawas, Michigan.
The Tescheu family came from the Teschen Duchy in the Silesian Lander of Prussia.
Charles August Paschke Jr had three brothers: Albert, August, and Herman, and three daughters: Berta, Henriette, and Meally.
The Twerk family came from the lander of either Silesia or West Prussia. The exact town or area has not been established, yet. They also left from northern Germany ports on the Baltic Sea. We believe that they may have left from Danzig or Königsberg. However, they too settled in the Detroit, Michigan area.
NOTE: Paschke is a Prussian name. Its meaning originated in the areas of Prussia, and its name is formed by Pasch and ke. The term ke means the son of Pasch. The term "ke" at the end a family name applies to many of the European family names, of a Prussian origin.

Josef Sedelmeier married Maria Dörflinger. Their sons were Alois, Hans, Hindrich, Georg, and Josef.
Their daughters were Maria and Josephine.
Several members of the Sedelmeier family still reside in and around Bad Krozingen-Hausen, Baden-Württenberg, Germany.

The Doerflinger family still resides in Germany, in Bad Krozingen-Hausen and near Freiburg, Baden-Würtenburg.
While the Priebe, Paschke, Kaiser, and Stall families all came from the area of Germany known as Prussia, The Sedelmeiers and the Doerflingers did not. They came from near and in the Black Forest area of Southern Germany.
These brief bits of information was collected from family elders and will be added to later. This is just to give you an idea where we started, as we know at this time. Dates, names, towns, seaports, ships, and events are being verified, and then they will be posted here.

We are searching for a 8 x 10 photograph. This photograph may have sold during an Estate Sale Auction. This picture shows two adults seated with two children, one standing and one seated. As you view the photo, the man is seated on the left, the women is seated in the middle. To her right, their son or daughter stands. Seated in front of and between the two adults is their son or daughter. This is a picture of one family taken in Germany in the late 1880 or 1890's. This family were family members of Kaiser Wilhelm II of Hohenzollern. The pictured family will be dressed in clothing of that period and fitting of their status as family members. We believe that they were cousins of Kaiser Wilhelm II, but their exact relationship has not been established, yet. This picture was believed to be sold at a farm auction in Washtenaw County, Michigan, perhaps in 1970 or earlier. The exact time or location is unknown, yet.
This picture also is one of Gottfried Kaiser or his wife, Caroline (Behrandt), because one or the other is one of the childern shown in this photograph.
A reward is offered for the safe return of this family photograph to us. We can identify for certain this photograph once we see it.
If you have this photograph or know of its location, please send us a Email at

If you have any information pertaining to any of these family names or a specific member of this group of families, or perhaps you wish to share what you have or wish to inquire about these families, please send an email to the address shown at the bottom of this page. Thank you.

It is our policy not to post information on this web site that identifies living persons by name or gives out their personal data. However, E-mail inquires will be handled on an individual basis.

Wir sprechen Deutsch und Englisch.

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Facebook and Blog links will be placed here for each of the six family names listed herein.
If you would like to be a part of this section, please send an Email to us.

If you have questions, possible additions, family history information, or suggestions, please email webmaster at

This page was first published June 24, 1999.
This page was last updated July 24, 2017.