Doilies and Crocheting Books

This Lübeck Haus Bookstore catalogue page offers a selection of doilies, and a list of books for knitting and crocheting.
The doilies are heirloom quality and well made. Each one is described and the doily details are presented when it is clicked on.
These books cover knitting and crocheting procedures and history, and most are tutorial in design and usage. Some of these instruction books were written for beginning knitters,
but others are written for more experienced knitters and will expand any knitter's knowledge of knitting.
Beginning books provide excellent instruction and require only knitting needles, yarn, ruler, and a tapestry needle to begin learning the basics.
These books are designed to give the reader a good solid background of knowledge on each topic.
The books present this information in a clearly written manner usually accompanied with excellent photographic work.
The Doilies on this page are offered for sale in association with
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Crocheting Books
The Crocheting books on this page are offered for sale in association with
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Sewing, Knitting and Crocheting Books
Knitting and Crocheting Books
- Beginner Basics (Vogue Knitting on the Go! Series)
~Usually Ships Within 24 Hours
- -Trisha Malcolm (Editor) / Hardcover 112 pages / Published September 2003
This is the perfect introductory book for anyone who wants to learn how to knit. You can learn the basics of knitting through a series of short, focused lessons containing step-by-step instructions, helpful tips, and easy-to-follow illustrations. You will build your repertoire and confidence by mastering one skill at a time, and working your way up to more challenging projects. Practice the various tips and techniques on a variety of easy-to-make scarves, hats, sweaters, accessories, baby booties, blankets and other useful items. All made with readily available yarns. Includes full-color photographs illustrate every project, and detailed information about tools, supplies, and stitches. Book is small enough to slip into your knitting bag. This handy guide book enables you to grab your needles and yarn and work on your knitting wherever you may be. Whether while traveling, waiting at a doctor's office, or during your lunch hour.
Covers everything needed to get started, including a 32-page project book filled with inspiring ideas.
Click on the book title to read more.
- Yarn Girls' Guide to Simple Knits
~Usually Ships Within 24 Hours
- -Julie Carles, Jordana Jacobs / Hardcover 160 Pages / Published September 2002
This excellent book has helped thousands of beginning and lapsed knitters begin or rediscover the pleasures of knitting. This book includes thirty of the authors's most popular basic, but beautiful projects in a range of must have styles, from trendy funnel necks and classic cardigans to sexy tanks. Each project includes pointers to ensure that the finished project will fit properly and look like a million bucks. Completely covers the basics (how to cast on, how to purl) before going on to popular sweater patterns as well as the simple standbys such as hats, scarves and throws. Each pattern is illustrated from different angles in well styled photographs, and personal anecdotes introduce each pattern, resulting in an instructive guide book. Each pattern is designed to reinforce the fundamentals of knitting and to help beginning knitters gain confidence. All projects require this only this book, one pair of knitting needles, yarn, a ruler, and a tapestry needle. Includes clearly illustrated sections with color photographs and illustrations on techniques, plus a glossary and helpful tips throughout.
Click on the book title to read more.
- The Ultimate Knitting Book (Vogue Knitting Series)
~Usually Ships Within 24 Hours
- -Editors of Vogue Knitting / Hardcover 280 pages / Published August 2002
This excellent book is filled with input from over 50 specialists, all with years of experience in the industry. Few other single books cover the art and skill of knitting so comprehensively and with such authority. Every single technique was meticulously researched, written, and tested by Vogue Knitting's editors. Additionally, more than 1000 swatches, photographs, and illustrations were created specifically for this encyclopedic manual. Chapters are color-coded for easy reference, and begin with a quick overview of all the information contained within. Need guidance on yarns, needles, tools, basic techniques, specialized applications, terminology? It's in here, along with diagnostics for correcting errors, directions for circular and double pointed knitting; advice on working in color; tricks for blocking, assembling, and finishing; plus fashion sections with up to the minute designs for sweaters. It's the first and last word in knitting!
Click on the book title to read more.
- Vogue Knitting Quick Reference: The Ultimate Portable Knitting Compendium
~Usually Ships Within 24 Hours
- -Vogue Knitting Magazine, Trisha Malcolm (Editor)/Spiral Bound Paperback 128 pages / Published August 2002
Here is an essential addition to any knitter's travel bag, along with your needles and yarn. This knitter's indispensable companion is an exciting spiral-bound encyclopedia that's compact enough to fit into a purse or knitting bag. It will answer all of your questions and doesn't take up much space. Covers supplies, basic how to what, and explanations of knitting instructions to complicated stitch techniques, color blocking and finishing. Basically, it's filled with information on every conceivable aspect of the craft. Easy to follow instructions, diagrams, and illustrations pack every page, along with guidance on mending those mistakes, using a variety of different needles, dealing with color, and assembling the pieces. There's even advice on designing and embellishing your garment.
Click on the book title to read more.
- The Knitting Experience Book 1: The Knit Stitch: Inspiration and Instruction, Vol. 1
~Usually Ships Within 24 Hours
- -Sally Melville, Elaine Rowley (Editor), Alexis Xenakis (Photographer)
Paperback 162 pages / Published November 2002
This is the first book in a projected series on the knitting experience by this noted knitwear designer and teacher. This primer uses clear, step-by-step instructions to teach the basics of knitting. Beginners will learn to master the techniques that are needed before starting a project and learn how knit successful garments. Includes 24 designs for everything from handbags to coats, including the popular Einstein jacket, all projects using the simple knit stitch. A natural progression of skills is taught, and each skill is followed by a knitting project, enabling first-time knitters to create simple scarves and sweaters. Patterns are presented in an accessible format, with text, photos, and line drawings to offer advice, anticipate difficulties, and provide rescue techniques.
Experienced knitters will find much to like here, including chapters on how to make successful garments and how to fix common mistakes in knitting.
Click on the book title to read more.
- Knitting For Dummies
~Usually Ships Within 24 Hours
- -Pam Allen, Trisha Malcolm, Rich Tennant (Illustrator) / Paperback 384 pages / Published January 2001
This practical and friendly guide offers beginners a step-by-step approach to learning how to knit and design stylish pieces, from sweaters to hats, mittens, socks, and more. The book includes more than 100 illustrations and numerous patterns, including cable, eyelet, slip stitch, and lace.
The expert instructions in this book is very helpful in avoiding mistakes.
Click on the book title to read more.
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This page last updated August 20, 2018.