Books On Coin and Currency Collecting

Welcome to the Lübeck Haus Bookstore and to our bookstore section that offers books and kindle books dealing with coin and currency collecting.
Numismatists, historians, and everyone interested in collecting coins and currency will find these books of interest. Of special interest to many collectors, that require a minimum cost, is collecting the new state quarters.
These books include and cover 2013 standard catalogs, 2012 standard catalogues, collecting Buffalo nickels, 50 State Commemorative Quarters, German coins, medieval European coinage, and collecting coins for a profit.
There’s a special comfort in collecting, in surrounding yourself with familiar objects and building a store of assets. The allure of money is especially strong. Coins represent real value. The warmth of silver and the weight of gold
are irresistible to some. Coins travel throughout the world and through time itself,
representing and absorbing history as they pass from one person to the next. Think of the fascinating stories coins could tell if they only had voices.
Coin-collecting is a relaxing and inexpensive (although it can be very expensive!) hobby. If you buy properly, coins can be an excellent place to park your money for a rainy day, and if you buy the right coins and the market improves,
you may even be able to make a profit on your collection. In fact, numismatics (the fancy term for coin collecting) offers more riches than you may realize. This rewarding hobby also opens the door to some serious life skills.
Interesting note: The ridges on the edges of coins are called reeding or milling.
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Books On Coin and Currency Collecting
- The Complete Guide to Buffalo Nickels, 2nd Edition
~Usually Ships Within 24 Hours
- -David W. Lange / Hardcover 208 pages. 2nd Edition / Published November 2000
This long awaited update to Dave’s 1992 edition is filled with just about everything you need to know to start or to improve your Buffalo Nickel collection. Covers the history of the Buffalo nickel series, from the conception of the series to the last circulating mintage in 1938, incorporating details and accounts that showcase the vast research and time spent in creating the text. Including little known and fascinating facts about the Buffalo nickel. The discussion of the history of the Bison used for the reverse design (and what happened to the poor creature), the three Indian models needed to make the final portrait of the Chief on the obverse and the brief biography of the designer, James Fraser.
The biggest benefit of this book to any collector is the thorough analysis of each date and mint issue. Covers nickels from the first edition with current values and newly discovered varieties. Each date is fully analyzed from mintage, strike and luster to rarity ratings in various grades.
This book is truly a must-have for anyone who collects or is thinking of collecting the Buffalo Nickel series.
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- Coin Collecting for Dummies
~Usually Ships Within 24 Hours
- -Ron Guth / Paperback 384 pages / Published September 2001
This book is designed to appeal to collectors at every level, from beginner to advanced. This is not a hardcore coin book, but rather, it is a great general reference that directs you in different directions for further investigation. Covers these specific topics and more:
- Deciding what to collect
- Storing your collection correctly
- Finding out about repaired, restored, and recolored coins
- Pricing world coins
- Finding a good coin dealer
- Buying coins at auction
- Understanding that condition equals value
- Exploring the wild side with rare, expensive, and esoteric coins
- Selling your coins for the best price
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- Ancient Coin Collecting
~Usually Ships Within 24 Hours
- -Wayne G. Sayles / Hardcover 312 pages, 2nd edition / Published June 2003
Numismatists, historians, and everyone interested in collecting ancient coins will be engrossed in this revised and expanded second edition. The first of the six-volume ancient coin series, this second edition features expanded sections on how to collect ancient coins, determine authenticity, and identify fakes. Also discusses how to determine coin values and provides and expanded pronunciation guide and expanded bibliography. Covers using the Internet to locate and to sell coins.
Includes almost 200 pages with over 200 photos in 10 chapters and 6 appendixes.
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- How to Make Money in Coins Right Now, 2nd Edition
~Usually Ships Within 24 Hours
- -Scott A. Travers / Paperback 336 pages, 2nd edition /Published February 2001
Can you really make money in collectible coins? Scott Travers, an international coin dealer and author of four previous books on the investments and coin collecting, believes you can. In How To Make Money in Coins Right Now: The Ultimate Insider's Guide to the Coin Market, he dispels the myths and reveals the secrets that will improve your odds in this potentially lucrative marketplace.
Covers the grading arbitrage method in great detail. There is some risk involved and you absolutely must do your homework, but pretty much everything you need is discussed in this book.
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- America The Beautiful Commemorative Quarter Folder: 2010-2021.
~Usually Ships Within 24 Hours
- -Littleton / Hardcover Map Board / Published January 2000
This new series celebrates national parks and historic sites in all the U.S. territories. Features labeled spaces for all fifty-six different styles. Contains series information and mintage figures as they become available. Folder is handsome and durable with a green leather-look cover with gold embossing. Folder measures 6-1/2" x 8-3/8".
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- Fifty States Quarter Folder 1999 - 2008
~Usually Ships Within 24 Hours
- -Littleton Coin Company / Hardcover Coin Holder, 15 pages / Published December 1999
In 1999 the U.S. Mint released the first five issues out of a total of 50 different quarters commemorating the 50 United States. Released to the public at the rate of five different quarters per year for ten years, the coins are issued in the same order that each states entered the Union or, in the case of the thirteen original colonies, in the order they ratified the Constitution.
The reverse designs, proposed by each state and approved by the Secretary of the Treasury, are produced by the U.S. Mint staff engravers. Quarters for general circulation are struck both at Philadelphia and Denver Mints, while clad Proof and silver Proof versions are struck at the San Francisco Mint.
In order to provide as much room as possible on the reverse for the states' designs, the legends UNITED STATES OF AMERICA and QUARTER DOLLAR have been moved to the obverse side. To fit them there, Washington's portrait has been slightly reduced in size, and the date moved to the reverse.
This coin folder has two slots on the very first page: one for the old quarter face of Washington, and another for the new one so that the differences can be seen. There are even enlarged pictures with arrows pointing to the differences that have short, concise explanations about those differences.
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- Postal Propaganda of the Third Reich
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- -Albert L. Moore / Paperback 144 pages / Published August 2003
This is a fascinating book for postcard collectors, historians, and Third Reich period researchers. Collectors of Third Reich period postcards and stamps now have a book to help understand the artistry and subtle propaganda techniques of the the German government of this era.
This book is recommended for anyone who has an interest in the history of the Third Reich, or European Fascism in general. The vast extent to which the leaders exerted control over the German population is clear with this book. The enormous efforts made in this area by the Nazi leadership is truly remarkable. The Nazis were well ahead of their peers in Spain and Italy when it came to marketing their ideology through a government sanctioned forum, the German Postal Service. Also an excellent resource for collectors of WW2 militaria who are looking for a niche in an increasingly expensive marketplace.
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- Money and Its Use in Medieval Europe
~Usually Ships Within 24 Hours
- -Peter Spufford / Paperback 488 pages / Published September 1990
The many changing roles played by money in Europe throughout the Middle Ages are traced through war and trade and other political, economic, and ecclesiastical activities, regardless of national or international barriers.
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- Standard Catalog of German Coins: 1601 to Present, Including Colonial Issues
~Usually Ships Within 24 Hours
- -Norman Douglas Nicol (Compiler), Colin R. Bruce, Fred J. Borgmann (Editors)
Paperback 1064 pages, 2nd Edition / Published December 1998
Now collectors can review 400 years of German coinage in one volume, with thousands of fully detailed coins priced in up to four grades of preservation. Readers will find coins from every dynasty, kingdom, republic, duchy, principality, state, city, and province within the German possessions since 1601. 17,500 photos. Historic maps.
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- The Iconography of Early Anglo-Saxon Coinage (Medieval History and Archaeology Series): Sixth to Eighth Centuries
~Usually Ships Within 24 Hours
- -Oxford University Press / Hardcover 230 pages / Published July 2003
This is the first scholarly art-historical appraisal of Anglo-Saxon coinage from its inception in the late sixth century to Offa's second reform of the penny c. 792. Outside numismatic circles, this material has largely been ignored because of its complexity, yet artistically this is the most vibrant period of English coinage, with die-cutters showing flair and innovation and employing hundreds of different designs in their work. By analyzing the iconography of the early coinage, this book intends to introduce its legacy to a wide audience." Anna Gannon divides the designs of the coins into four main categories: busts (including attributes and drapery), human figures, animals, and geometrical patterns, presenting prototypes, sources of the repertoire and parallels with contemporary visual arts for each motif. The comparisons demonstrate the central role of coins in the eclectic visual culture of the time, with the advantages of official sanctioning and wide circulation to support and diffuse new ideas and images. The sources of the motifs clarify the relationship between the many designs of the complex Secondary phase (c. 710-50). Contemporary literature and theological writings often offer the key to the interpretation of motifs, hinting at a universal preoccupation with religious themes.
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- Medieval European Coinage: With a Catalogue of Coins in the Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge, Vol. 1
~Usually Ships Within 24 Hours
- -Philip Grierson, Mark Blackburn / Hardcover 700 pages / Published November 1986
This first volume of Medieval European Coinage published by Cambridge University Press, surveys the coinage of Western Europe from the fall of the Roman Empire in the West in the fifth century to the emergence of recognizable ‘national' political units in the tenth. The coinage of the Germanic invaders of the Empire, the Franks and the Ostrogoths, Lombards, Carolingians and popes are considered. The coinage of the Anglo-Saxons is traced from the introduction of minting in the early seventh century, including the aberrant coinages of Northumbria and the Anglo-Viking coinages of the Danelaw.
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This page last updated October 20, 2018.