Traditional German Music & Songs CDS

This is our Lübeck Haus catalogue page for German, Austrian and Bavarian alpine music and songs, alpine jodeling and traditional music CDs.
On this page are our recommended music CDs for your listening pleasure.
This includes Alpine yodeling, german music CDs, german folk music CDs, beer drinking and oktoberfest music, german hunting songs, alpine horn, and traditional folk songs from Germany, Bavaria, Tyrolia,
and Austria. Most of these song selections are in German, however some have singing in the English language of the German songs.
This page has selections of music featuring Erich Kunz and Chorus with the Vienna State Orchestra. Erich Kunz has a rich baritone voice and his recording are still very popular.
Several selections feature folk songs of the people of the villages, forests and mountains of the Austrian, Tyrolean and Bavarian Alps.
Also included are several outstanding Alpine Yodeling CDs with master yodeler Kerry Christensen.
And the browse and search boxes, located near the bottom of this page, will allow a complete search of additional types of music CD's available from many sources,
now numbering over 60,000 titles.
Lübeck Haus Store in association with offers for sale these music CDs and many thousands more. Over 60,000 music titles are available, and many at substantial savings.
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German Music and Songs
The following Music CDs include music from the mountain people of the Alps and several German University songs. Plus German beer drinking songs, German hunting songs,
alpine yodeling, and folk dances.
Plus more.
Best Loved German Folk Songs 
~Usually Ships in 24 Hours
-Robert Cornman / one Audio CD / Published January 1992
20 selections, including Der Jager Aus Kurpfalz, O Tannenbaum, and Du, Du, Liegst mir im herzen.
Click on CD title to view the complete selection list and hear some of them.
I Love the Music of a German Beer Hall ~Usually Ships in 2-3 Days
-Oktoberfest Singers / One Audio Disc / Released April 1998
Thirty-nine rousing beer drinking songs are on this CD.
Click on the CD title to read more about this CD.
German Beer Drinking & Merrymaking Songs: Featuring Music from the Octoberfest in Munich
~Usually Ships in 3-5 Days
-Various Artists / One Audio Disc / Released November 1997
Another collection of 20 rousing and festive German melodies.
Click on the CD title for the complete list and to listen to several.
14 All Time Favorite Bavarian German Drinking & Beer Garden Songs
~Usually Ships in 5-7 Days
-Legacy-DNA / one Audio CD / Published April 1997
These drinking songs truely will put you in the mood for Gemütlichkeit.
Click on the CD title to read more and to listen to several.
Traditional German Folk and Yodel Songs ~Usually Ships in 2-3 Days
-Otto Weidner / One Audio Disc / Released April 2000
Twenty-two German folk and yodel songs are on this CD.
Click on the CD title twice to read more about this CD.
Folk Songs From Bavaria ~Usually Ships in 24 Hours
-Various Artists
one Audio CD (Laserlight) / Published September 1991
18 selections, including
Das Glunk in den Bergen
Hopfenspritzen Galopp
and Grasshupfer Polka
Click on the CD title to view the complete selection list.
German Folk Songs of Today & Yesterday ~Usually Ships in 2-3 Days
-Various Artists / One Audio Disc / Released January 1998
Click on the CD title for a listing of the 16 songs.
All the Best From Germany: 20 Great Favorites ~Usually Ships in 4-6 Weeks
-All the Best / One Audio Disc / Released September 1991
This excellent CD from the All The Best series presents a good variety of great German favorites.
Click on the CD title to read more and to listen to several.
Sings Best Loved German Songs ~Special Order
-Vanguard Classics / One Audio Disc / Released June 2001
This outstanding selection of songs is performed by Erich Kunz.
Folk Songs From Germany ~Usually Ships in 2-3 Days
-I Love Series / One Audio Disc / Released November 1995
This highly recommended music CD has 25 popular German songs. For a complete list and to hear a song selection, click on the CD title.
German Hunting Songs ~Usually Ships in 24 Hours
-Various Artists / One Audio Disc / Released January 1998
These 14 favorite hunting songs are in German.
Several selections include:
- Ein Tiroler Wollte Jagen
- Der Jäger Abschied
- Der Jäger in Dem Grünen Wald
- Es Ritt Ein Jäger Wohlgemut
Click on the CD title to read more.
Hooked on Yodeling
~Usually Ships in 24 Hours
-Kerry Christensen / One Audio CD / Published January 1998
Listen to the Master of Alpine yodeling. If you like alpine yodeling calls and songs, you will love this one. Kerry yodels and sings mostly in German and a few in Engish. But his singing, yodeling and alpine calls are outstanding.
Click on the CD title and then select one or two songs to listen to before buying.
22 Song Selections, including:
Tyrolean Show-Off Yodel
Cuckoo Bird Yodel
High Mountain Yodel
Lueg Bezyte(With Alpine Horn)
Click on the CD title to read more.
~Usually Ships in 24 Hours
-Kerry Christensen / One Audio CD / Published January 1998
More outstanding Alpine yodeling with Kerry and mountain yodeling calls from Austria, Germany, and other mountain favorites.
Click on the CD title to read more.
U2 Can Yodeling
~Usually Ships in 24 Hours
-Kerry Christensen / One Audio CD / Published April 1998
So you would really love to learn how to yodel. Master yodeler Kerry Christensen will show you how with this CD. But this isn't for everybody.
Click on the CD title to read more.
German University Songs, Vol 3 ~Usually Ships in 24 Hours
-Vanguard Classics / One Audio Disc / Released September 1999
This outstanding selection of songs is performed by Erich Kunz & The Chorus and the Vienna State Orchestra.
Several selections of the 18 total include:
- Studentleben (Student Life)
- Ich Bin Ein Lustiger Student (I am a Merry Student)
- Mein Vaterland (My Fatherland)
- Oktoberlied (October Song)
- Frühlingsgruss an das Vaterland (Spring Greetings to the Faterland)
Click on the CD title to read more.
German University Songs, Vol 4 ~Usually Ships in 2-3 Days
-Vanguard Classics / One Audio Disc / Released April 2000
This outstanding selection of songs is performed by Erich Kunz & The Chorus and the Vienna State Orchestra.
Several selections include:
- Du, du, Liegst Mir Im Herzen (You, You, Closest to My Heart)
- Es Ritten Drei Reiter (Three Riders Came Riding)
- Steh'Ich in Finstrer Mitternacht(At Darkest Midnught Hour)
- Wiegenlied (Lullaby)
- Die Gedanken Sind Frei (Thoughts Are Free)
- Das Moorsoldatenlied (The Peat-Bog Soldier's song)
Click on the CD title to read more.
German University Songs, Vol 5 ~Usually Ships in 2-3 Days
-Vanguard Classics / One Audio Disc / Released August 2000
This outstanding selection of 16 songs are performed by Erich Kunz, The Chorus and the Vienna State Orchestra.
Several of these selections include:
- Als ich ein jung' Geselle war (When I was a young bachelor)
- Im Krug zum grünen Kranze (At the Inn with the green garland)
- Die lustigen Hammerschmiedg' sölln (The jolly blacksmith's boys)
- Wohlan, die Zeit ist kommem (Now the time has come.)
Click on the CD title to read more.

German, Austrian, and Swiss Music, Folk Songs, Books, and Magazines
German, Austrian, and Swiss Music and Songs
Welcome to the Music Department of Luebeck Haus. In this section we have more German music with German Classic Music, German Marches, German & Austrian Folk Music. Plus some really good Yodeling.
German, Austrian, and Swiss books German Language Directory
Browse the many catagories of German interest books at the Luebeck Haus Bookstore.
German languages magazines Click Here
These German language magazine subsciptions include German Life, Playboy(German Edition),Living At Home(German Edition), Instyle(German Edition), Deutsche Ausgabe(German Edition),
and the National Geographic(German Edition).

Best Selling Music CDs
Best Selling Music CDs
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bands, and other music artists from this easy-to-use on-line circular with outstanding buys from among many of the top-selling products at
Most of these music CDs titles are available now and at a discount from the publishers price.

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This page was published July 20, 1998.
This page was reviewed and updated March 06, 2018.