Books on Stone Masonry and Stoneworks

This Lübeck Haus Boostore catalogue page lists books for stone masonry, building stone walls, stone buildings, stone bridges, and brick masonry.
These books cover the ancient art of constructing buildings and walls with stone. Stone is one of the most beautiful and enduring building materials, and to exploit its qualities
one must be aware of a number of specialized techniques. Stone is also readily available and easily obtained. And stone offers a lasting material that will allow builders to use
stone as a creative material indoors as well as outdoors. Unique stoneworks serve as a source of ideas and are inspirational in nature. With stone one can build houses, workshops,
stone patios, gate posts, walls and steps, garden and water features, and use stone in landscaping.
The masonry books and tools on this page are offered for sale in association with
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Masonry Books & Masonry Tools
More Masonry Books

Stone and Block Masonry Books and Reports
- Building with Stone
~Usually Ships Within 24 Hours
- -Charles McRaven, Chandis Ingenthron (Illustrator) / Paperback 192 pages / Published June 1989
This excellent basic handbook offers a wealth of material and an introduction to the art and craft of creating stone structures. This book will be appreciated by homeowners, builders and aspiring stone masons of all skill levels. In addition it is for anyone interested in bringing a creative, contemporary approach to the ancient craft of stone masonry, and especially for those craftsmen who want to improve and expand their skills.
Covers the range and use of tools and materials, equipment needed by stone masons, the fundamental masonry processes, working with natural stone, and includes step-by-step instructions for creating several stone projects.
Click on the book title to read more.
- Geology of Building Stones
~Usually Ships Within 24 Hours
- -John Allen Howe / Paperback 496 pages / Published September 2001
This book defines building stones and would be very useful in the identification of stones used in old or historic buildings. Masons, conservators, restorers, architects and civil engineers will welcome this facsimile reprint as the starting point for any investigation.
Click on the book title to read more.
- A Guide to Dry Stone Walling
~Usually Ships Within 24 Hours
- -Andy Radford / Hardcover 128 pages / Published August 2001
In this book the author explores the history of dry stone walling, the process of building a stone wall without the use of mortar. The author, an experienced craftsman, demonstrates how to build a dry stone wall with step-by-step explanations accompanied by photographs and diagrams.
Covers how to acquire suitable stone, necessary tools of the trade, basic walling technique, building or repairing a curved wall, building walls on slopes and gapping, plus retaining walls and variations.
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- Complete Masonry Book
~Usually Ships Within 24 Hours
- -Sunset Staff, Cory (Editor) / Paperback 192 pages / Published January 2004
Combining basic-to-advanced instruction and exciting projects, this complete guide shows how to build paths, patios, and walls using all manner of masonry,
including brick, stone, tile, and concrete. It helps readers plan structures, choose materials, and select the right tools for the job. Projects include
building an outdoor barbecue, casting stepping-stones, and using updated concrete decorating techniques such as acid staining, resurfacing, stamping, and tinting.
Step-by-step instructions take readers through every phase of the building process with clear, easy-to-understand text and 200 how-to photos. Includes complete
materials lists and information on maintenance and repair.
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- Building Stone Walls
~Usually Ships Within 24 Hours
- -Charles McRaven / Hardcover 32 pages / Published November 1999
This little primer on drystacking covers it all. Explains how to build lasting stone walls.
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- Natural Stonescapes: The Art and Craft of Stone Placement
~Usually Ships Within 24 Hours
- -Richard L. Dube, Frederick C. Campbell / Paperback 168 pages / Published January 1999
This excellent start-to-finish guide shows how to design and place stone groupings modeled after geological formations found in nature. Plan and build your landscaping with professional results. Includes practical tips for choosing the right stones for the job.
In Natural Stonescapes you'll learn how to:
- Design stone arrangements that mimic the forms and dynamics of nature
- Choose and find stones appropriate for your design and location
- Adapt your design to fit the shape, existing features, and limitations of your site
- Use a variety of techniques to help you safely transport, set, and maneuver stones into place
Includes more than 20 designs for stone groupings appropriate for all types of landscapes,
from flat lawns to hillsides and waterscapes.
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- The Art & Craft of Stonework: Dry-Stacking, Mortaring, Paving, Carving, Gardenscaping
~Usually Ships Within 24 Hours
- -David Reed / Hardcover 176 pages / Published March 2002
This book is well written and has than 300 outstanding photos highlighting the expressiveness of stonework. Covers artistic inspiration, building instructions, and interesting projects for both dry-stack and mortar techniques.
Shows how to find the perfect stone, and cut, score, split, and chip it. Showing readers a variety of techniques used to shape and place stones in constructing a magnificent hearth and fireplace or adding a mortared veneer to a wall. Learn how to repair old and broken walls. Go beyond the practical and enjoy the creative pleasures of boulderscaping to produce a sense of tranquillity and elegance in your yard by creating paths and walls. Transform your garden into a Zen sanctuary, with stepping stones and by carving two or three dimensional sculptures.
This primer will have a wide appeal to both gardeners and builders.
Click on the book title to read more.
- Masonry: Design, Build, Maintain
~Usually Ships Within 24 Hours
- -Editors of Creative Homeowner / Paperback 272 pages / Published February 2005
This book covers a wide range of subjects, including installation, 60 specific projects and tasks, and common repairs with concrete, block, brick, stone, tile, and
stucco. Written primarily for nonprofessional stonemasons, however, even experienced stonemasons will find this book useful.
Includes over 800 photos and illustrations.
Click on the book title to read more.
- Step-by-Step Outdoor Stonework : Over Twenty Easy-to-Build Projects for Your Patio and Garden
~Usually Ships Within 24 Hours
- -Mike Lawrence / Paperback 96 pages / Published January 1995
This is a project book, with more than 20 easy-to-build projects for patio and garden using a variety of stone, especially with sandstones and limestones that
are popular materials for stonework projects. Provides detailed hands-on instructions for building stone walls, arches, paths, steps, rock gardens,
fountains, seats and tables, sundials, patios, and even birdbaths. All are described in detail and illustrated with hundreds of drawings and color photographs.
Also covers how to estimate costs and quantities accurately, select the right tools and materials, prepare ground sites properly, and detailed hands-on instructions
for working with both natural and manmade stone.
Includes a glossary of materials and techniques.
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More Stone Masonry and Working With Stone Books
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This catalogue page lists books for sculpturing stone.
- Masonry Books
These books are on stone, brick, and block construction, slate roofs, and stone house building.
- Trow & Holden Tools
This catalogue page lists Trow & Holden stone masonry tools.
- Mens Work Coats
This catalogue page lists mens work coats and jackets.
- Construction Magazines
This catalogue page lists Construction Magazine subscrtptions.
- Masonry Books
This catalogue page has several of our recommended books for masonry, engineering books and manuals.
- Masonry Building Construction Books
This catalogue page lists books for building with stone, block, and bricks.
- Building Construction Books
This catalogue page lists books for designing and constructing building and other structues.
- Masonry Books
This catalogue page lists books for masonry and stone construction.
- Masonry Books
This catalogue page lists books for masonry ovens, kilms and fireplaces.
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This page last updated September 22, 2018.