Pennsylvania German History & Culture Books

This Lübeck Haus Bookstores catalogue page lists books for Pennsylvania German history, architecture, culture, communities and farm life, immigration,
Pennsylvania Dutch cooking, needlepoint works, chip carving, woodcarving, language and fraktur writings, pennsylvania deitsh dictionaries, folk art and picture books.
The Pennsylvania Germans were people from Germany, Prussia, Austrian-Hungary Empire, Switzerland, and other areas of Europe, who all spoke a variation
of the German Language.
Collectively the Pennsylvania Germans were referred to as the Pennsylvania Dutch. To some degree this maybe because Deutsch sounds like Dutch to English speakers.
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Pennsylvania German Books
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Pennsylvania German Books Links

Pennsylvania German Society
- The Pennsylvania German Society
Founded in 1891, the Pennsylvania German Society is a nonprofit, educational organization devoted to the study of the Pennsylvania German people and their 325+ year history in America. For anyone interested in helping to preserve, advance,
and disseminate knowledge of the culture of the Pennsylvania Germans, often known as "The Pennsylvania Dutch," no investment can pay better dividends than membership in The Pennsylvania German Society.
Building with strength upon a firm foundation that spans more than a century, The Pennsylvania German Society promotes scholarly research, publishes, and offers meetings and educational programs to its members and to the general public.

German Books and Magazine Subscription Links
- German American Books.
The Lübeck Haus Bookstore offers many books dealing with German language and culture.
- German Language Tutorial Books.
The Lübeck Haus Bookstore offers a selection of German language tutorial books.
- German and Norse Legends

The Lübeck Haus Bookstore features German and Norse legends and myths, and Icelandic Sagas and legends, and Icelandic Sagas and legends.
- German Language Magazines.
The Lübeck Haus Bookstore offers magazine subscriptions dealing with the German language.
- German Ways.
This website offers information and links for Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Tyrol, Liechtenstein, Canada, The United States and other countries throughout the world.

Pennsylvania German History & Writings Books
- German and Swiss Settlements of Colonial Pennsylvania: A Study of the so-Called Pennsylvania Dutch
~Usually Ships Within 4 to 6 Weeks
- -Oscar Kuhns / Paperback 276 pages / Published March 1997
This book gives a historical background of the German and Swiss settlers, and covers their travels to colonial America. Covers the
language, manners and customs of the Pennsylvania-German farmer in the eighteenth century. Plus their education, religous life, and literature.
The book is well footnoted, making further in-depth study possible. In addition, it includes a good surname index which makes it useful for genealogical research
Click on the book title to read more.
- Foreigners in Their Own Land: Pennsylvania Germans in the Early American Republic (Pennsylvania German History and Culture Series)
~Usually Ships Within 24 Hours
- -Steven M. Nolt / Hardcover 238 pages / Published July 2002
Foreigners In Their Own Land: Pennsylvania Germans In The Early Republic is a truly fascinating and scholarly story of Pennsylvania's German population. Beginning with the first immigrants to arrive and continuing on through their successful assimilation into the early American society. This meticulously researched examination of the German Lutheran and Reformed populations of eastern Pennsylvania covers the religious, political, and philosophical aspects of their citizenship and identity as Americans, while maintaining their German cultural heritage and background.
Click on the book title to read more.
- Discovering American Folklife: Essays on Folk Culture and the Pennsylvania Dutch
~Usually Ships Within 24 Hours
- -Don Yoder, Henry Glassie / Paperback 336 pages / Published January 2001
Discovering American Folklife is a classic sampling of Don Yoder's massive body of work in Folklife studies. The essays cover folk religion, folk medicine, sectarian costume,
traditional cookery, and the Folklife of the Pennsylvania Dutch, specifically Harvest Home, witch tales, Fraktur, and sauerkraut for New Year's.
Click on the book title to read more.
- Hopeful Journeys: German Immigration, Settlement, and Political Culture
in Colonial America, 1717-1775
~Usually Ships Within 24 Hours
- -Aaron Fogleman /
Presents new research to help in understanding some characteristics of the German migration to the new world during the 1700's.
His language is somewhat stilted, or others might describe it as scholarly, somewhat like a graduate school thesis. But there is lots of good information
between it's covers. One of the most interesting themes in the book is tracking the immigrants from one particular region located between Heidelberg and
Heilbronn, along the Neckar River. This detailed information helps one to see exactly what was involved in the decision to go to the New World, in the trip
getting there, and in beginning a new life in Pennsylvania. The author also treats the German political scene in colonial Pennsylvania.
The book is heavily foot-noted, with an extensive bibliography and index. A good source book for further studies of the Pennsylvania Dutch culture.
Click on the book title to read more.
- Language and History in the Early Germanic World
~Usually Ships Within 24 Hours
- -D. H. Green / Paperback 460 pages / Published August 2000
This book offers a distinctive and accessible approach to the earliest encounters of the barbarian societies of Northern Europe
with classical antiquity and with early Christianity. It brings together linguistic evidence from across Europe and dating from before
Caesar to about 900 AD, to shed light on important aspects of Germanic culture. It shows how historical phonology and semantics, often
avoided by nonspecialists, can provide important clues for historians and archaeologists of the period. Likewise, it demonstrates that
philologists and linguists ignore historical evidence at their peril.
The purpose of this book is to use our knowledge of the early Germanic languages to fill in gaps in our knowledge of the history and
culture of the peoples who spoke them. The book provides a great deal of information, organized by divisions of culture, such as
warfare and religion. the author presupposes a bit more knowledge of the Germanic languages and of Latin than most readers are likely
to have. This will from time to time make a point difficult to follow.
Click on the book title to read more.
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This page last updated July 24, 2018.