Books for Raising Game Birds & Big Birds for Profit

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This page is the catalogue page for Raising Game Birds & the Big Birds for Profit, number 8 above, and lists essential books
for game bird farming and raising birds for profit.
This includes practical guides for maintaining healthy birds and producing higher yields for pheasants, partridges, grouse, and raising other
game birds, Ostriches, Emus, Rheas and other Ratites. These books include the Emu Farmer's Handbook, and guides to raising Ostriches and
other ratites.
These books are of particular interest to Game Bird farmers, and Ostrich and Emu farmers, as well as to anyone else
with an interest in Game Bird farming and learning about the Big Birds and other Ratites.
Ratite: From the Latin; ratitus: marked with the figure of a raft; (ca 1890): a bird with a flat breastbone;
esp any of various
mostly flightless birds. Birds with small or rudimentry wings and having no keel on the sternum, like the Ostrich (Struthio camelus),
Rhea, Emu, Moa, and Kiwi.
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Welcome to one of our bookstore catalogue pages for essential books for gardening, and small farms.
Our research staff at Lübeck Haus Bookstore is building an extensive selection of books dealing with raising game birds and the big birds.
This includes pheasants, grouse, quails, and other birds.
In addition there are several excellent books on the care and raising of the big birds: the Ostriches, Emus, and Rheas.

Raising Game Birds
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Books on Raising Birds for Food, Fun, and Profit
- Pheasants of the World: Biology and Natural History
~Usually Ships Within 1-2 Days
- -Paul A. Johnsguard, Joeseph Wolf, Illustrator
Hardcover 432 pages, 2nd Edition . Published Auhust 1999
From the Smithsonian Institution Press, this book examines this group of birds that has been one of the most important to humans
throughout history both as domestic fowl and as game birds. Covers describes evolutionary history and relationships, social
behavior, habitat requirements, population densities, food and foraging behavior, range movements and migrations, and reproductive biology.
Includes color photographs and illustrations.
- Pheasants of the World: Their Breeding and Management
~Usually Ships Within 1-2 Days
- -Keith Howman / Hardcover 184 pages / Published June 1993
This book covers pheasant management, feeding requirements, breeding, and aviary construction with many detailed photos.
Includes a complete write-up on the different pheasants, and with excellent photographs of each species. The photographs
in this book are simply gorgeous and this book qualifies as a coffee table book, and with loads of practical information.
Click on the book title to read more.
- Introduction to Ornamental Pheasants
~Usually Ships Within 1-2 Days
- -K. C. R. Howman/ Hardcover 122 pages / Published June 1996
This is an excellent book for those new to raising pheasants, and a great reference book for readers with more experience.
Covers aviaries, bird management, feeding and breeding, plus a section which outlines basic information on the various species
of pheasants. Includes color photographs of many of the pheasant species.
Click on the book title to read more.
- Extraordinary Pheasants
~Usually Ships in 3-4 Weeks
- -Stephen Green-Armytage / Hardcover 111 pages / Published May 2002
This outstanding book presents an extraordinary photographic study of that beautiful group of birds known as pheasants.
The text consists of almost 200 appealing full-color photographs, supplemented by a few pages of text on pheasant history,
classification and brief descriptions of the species and varieties pictured. This splendid exploration presents a photographic
study of pheasants from peacocks to game hens, as well as an incredible variety of other species. The superbly presented,
detailed, and impressive, full-color images of these majestic birds are the highlight of the book. All are enhanced with an
informative introduction, concise, descriptive comments concerning each pheasant species help to round out this fine
Coverage on over 50 species of Pheasants along with many subspecies and varieties, include, Red Jungle Fowl(The domestic
chicken's original source), the Ringneck Pheasant, the Indian Blue Peafowl and many unusual birds, including the
Tragopan, Koklass, Monal, Fireback, and Great Argus. Showcased in glorious full-color photographs are Long-tailed Mikados,
Satyr Tragopans, Bornean Crested Firebacks, each looking more exotic than the other.
Click on the book title to read excerpts from this book.
- Pheasants, Partridges, and Grouse: A Guide to the Pheasants, Partridges, Quails, Grouse, Guineafowl,
Buttonquails, and Sandgrouse of the World
~Usually Ships Within 1-2 Days
- -Steve Madge, Phil McGowan, Guy M. Kirwan, And Norman Arlott, Daniel Cole, Carl S'Silva, Illustrators / Hardcover 488 pages / Published March 2002
This is a comprehensive identification guide to over 250 species of buttonquails, grouse, quails, guineafowl, partridges, peafowl, pheasants, sandgrouse and turkeys
throughout the world. Detailed text covering identification, description, geographical variation, songs and calls, habitat and behavior, distribution, range and
movements, and measurements. Includes 72 color plates by leading bird illustrators, showing male, female, juvenile, and subspecies plumages.
With a color distribution map for each species. Also includes a Glossary, index, reference, information on conservation issues and bibliography.
Click on the book title to read more.
- Game Bird Breeders Handbook
~Usually Ships Within 1-2 Days
- -Allen Woodard, Pran Vohra, Vern Denton / Paperback 493 pages / Published 1993
This comprehensive reference book covers most aspects of the game bird farming of raising pheasants, partridge, and Bobwhites. Includes a chapter on
ornamental pheasants. Also has color plates of the various species and a series of color photos showing the daily stages of development of an egg/embryo.
Click on the book title to read more.
- The Emu Farmer's Handbook: Commercial Farming Methods for Emus, Ostriches and Rheas
~Usually Ships Within 1-2 Days
- -Maria Minnaar / Hardcover / Published April 1998
This book provides a comprehensive coverage on a hard-to-find subject. The book covers all aspects of
raising emus, including: housing, health, breeding, incubation, raising chicks, and marketing emu products.
The author draws from her own extensive experience and has been raising emus commercially since the mid-1980s.
This book was written primarily for the commercial emu farmer, with detailed information on veterinary care,
breeding considerations, meat processing and emu oil processing. One chapter on raising Ostrich and Rhea,
highlights the differences between these birds and emus. There is also an interesting section covering other
ratites, such as the Cassowary, Kiwi, Moa and Elephant Bird, plus a good bibliography of ratite information
sources. Includes illustrations and excellent photographs.
Click on the book title to read more.
- The Ostrich: Biology, Production and Health
~Usually Ships Within 1-2 Days
- -D. C. Deeming, Editor / Hardcover 360 pages / Published September 1999
This comprehensive book is a collection of authorative articles and reports written by leading specialists
from academia and the ostrich farming industry from many countries on several continents. This book is the
first in depth publication to provide a broad reference summarizing and covering the growing commercial interest
in ostrich farming around the world. Reviewing what is generally known about raising and keeping the big birds,
the book presents the current scientific literature on ostrich biology, physiology, production, diseases, and health.
Covers ostrich anatomy, physiology, biochemistry, diseases, behavior patterns, basic ostrich farming concepts and
recent developments in digestion and nutrition, breeding and genetics, rearing environments from around the world,
meat, leather and other commercial products, veterinary care and procedures.
Click on the book title to read more.
- Ostrich Farming
~Usually Ships Within 1-2 Days
- -Joseph Batty / Paperback 110 pages, 2nd Edition / Published May 2001
Covers the basic requirements of raising healthy Ostriches and making a profit.
Click on the book title to read more.
- Dreambirds: The Strange History of the Ostrich in Fashion, Food and Fortune
~Usually Ships Within 1-2 Days
- -Rob Nixon / Paperback 304 pages / Published March 2001
This facinating book outlines the fortunes of the Ostrich farmers, from the Karoo's 19th-century "ostrich elite," to the introduction and
development of the industrial ostrich ranching in the American Southwest. This recent development is where a new generation of dreamers are
hoping to make their fortunes in eggs, chicks, leather, low fat meat, and other products made from the Ostrich.
Ostriches are curious birds, whose species is called Struthio camelus, (the sparrow-camel), and comes from one of the harshest deserts on earth,
the Karoo of South Africa. The author presents a large amount of information about the Ostriches and their habits, plus lots of facts and tid-bits.
And this information is facinating, intertaining, and quite helpful for the reader that is planning to farm Ostriches.
To read excerpts from this book, click on the book title.

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This page was last updated July 24, 2018.