This is our Lübeck Haus Bookstore catalogue page for German genealogy resources.
This is a catalogue page for genealogy research books and genealogical internet genealogy search links.
These books deal primarily with researching German, Austrian, Swiss, and Pennsyvania German (Dutch) genealogy. The books required to properly
research everyones genealogy would be huge, and beyond the space that we have alotted to genealogy research.
However, we have included books to cover researching your German roots, books cover beginning genealogy and sources of research help,
a German-English Genealogical Dictionary, books on German immigrants, Pennsylvania German Church records, and immigrant ship arrivals from Europe.
Some of these books are in German, but most are in English.
Research links are providing genealogy research for Berlin, Baden-Württemburg, Ost Preussen, Prussia, Preussen, Pommern, Pommersche, and Schlesien.
The books on this page are offered for sale in association with
FOR BOOK DETAILS: For individual book descriptions, prices, and availability, click on the book title. Read the book details, then to purchase,
place your book in the shopping cart at the page and complete your purchase by following their instructions.
To return to this page to select another book, click on your browsers back button.
ORDERING BOOKS: To order any book listed on our bookstore's catalogue pages, click on the book title. Place your book in the shopping cart
and complete your purchase by following instructions at the page.
If you are not ready to complete your purchase at that time, your item can remain in the shopping cart until you are ready to purchase the item. Your choice can be "stored" for up to eighty nine days.
Then when you are ready to complete your purchase, return to the shopping cart and complete your purchase by following their instructions.
Ordering your books at through our bookstore links is convenient, quick, safe, and easy.
These books are recommended for beginning your search.
Click on a right, or left arrow, to rotate the books displayed. Select and click on your choice to read more about your choice, and to order.
Additional Genealogy Books
Genealogy Books .
Browse through another selection of books for German genealogy research.
Germa Language Magazines.
The Lübeck Haus Bookstore offers magazine subscriptions dealing with the German language.
This web page has several good genealogy links for doing research in family genealogy. These links link to many of the major genealogy
sites for genealogy researchers both in the U.S., Canada, and Western Europe. However, web links for Michigan and Germany, Prussian,
Austrian, Swiss, Tyrolean genealogy sites are emphasized.
We have included several web sites for the much needed information sources and history web sites for Prussia, East Prussia, Pommern,
Schlesien, and Brandenburg. Web links for Church records and immigration ship departures are also included.
An excellent source of true fonts for Fraktur printing is available at the Gutenberg Press and a good book for understanding the
German Fraktur and old German handwriting is now available on the book catalog page for genealogy at Lübecks Bookstore.
And when you need any good genealogical books to help in your research, visit Lübecks Bookstore's
Genealogy Books .
German Genealogy Web Links
Pommerscher Verein Freistadt Pommern
An excellent site preserving the culture and history of Pommern. Offers help in genealogy information.
Family researchers, Discover Your Genealogy Easily Research census records, genealogy libraries, marriage and birth records, cemetery records, military records, and much more.
Frequently asked questions of German Genealogy FAQS
An excellent source of hard to find information.
German genealogy Suchen Links
Sie suchen Ihre Vorfahen in Deutchland?
German telephone numbers Telefonbuch German/English: Type in a surname, only, and every listing with that name in Germany will be displayed.
German postal codes Post Info
Die PLZ und Strassenauskunft für Deutschland. (Auf Deutsch)
German postal codes Postleitzahlenbuch
Das Postleitzahlenbuch für Deutschland oder U.S.A. (Auf Deutsch/Englisch).
U.S. Postal codes U.S.Postal Codes
The postal codes for U.S.A. (In English)
Historische Karten/Historical Maps. Map Directory
Addressen des Landesvermessungsämter in Deutschland: All present States are included.
German placename etymology Ortsnamen
This page will help in defining city, towns, or other place name origins.
Deutsche Dialekte/German Dialects German Dialects
Definitions, regions and a large dialect placement map.
Genealogy links for Michigan Cyndi's List
Lots of genealogy web site links for nearly everyone.
Michigan US GenWeb Genealogy Homepage
More excellent genealogy web links.
Roots web Homepage
The Internet's oldest and largest genealogy site. And still of the best.
Ships and passenger lists and Immigrant Ship Information
Use search box for ship departures and passenger lists from Germany.
Roots Web
Many web links that link to a wealth of information sources.
USGenWeb Archives Archives
One of the largest on-line genealogical sources.
Letter writing assistance Sample Letters
For those wishing to send genealogical inquiries to a country whose language they do not speak, this page offers identical
sample letters to a registrar's office or archive. Translations into several languages are available.
Deciphering old handwriting Homepage
This page deals with old English handwriting.
German Genealogical research before the Church records began. Homepage
Informational page for search methods, especially in Baden-Württemberg.
German genealogy on the web Cyndi's List
Many good links, sources of genealogical information and how to search in Germany.
Research Genealogy A great research for finding hard to find villages or ones no longer in existence. While intended for
Jewish genealogy researchers, it may be useful for anyone searching for towns and villages in Central and Eastern Europe.
Note: Sometimes a letter written to the mayor of a town or village or a letter to the Heimatkundlicher Verein Wardt in the village or nearest town
can help to locate information about your relatives in Germany, Austria, or Switzerland.
We are looking for additional web links for sites dealing with the former German Landers, territories, and settlements. If you
know of any, please send their URL's to
German Genealogy Website Links
For additional German genealogy websites, click on German Genealogy Websites.
These websites have good genealogy links for doing research in family genealogy in Germany, Austria, Switerland, and other German speaking lands.
These websites link to many of the major genealogy sites for genealogy researchers in the U.S., Canada, Europe, and other parts of this world.
Website links for genealogy research in the German states (Landers), church records, and immigration ship departures are included.
Understanding German Fraktur and Schreibschrift
The Gutenberg Press Homepage
History of Fraktur, German True Font Fraktur script software for sale, and much more.
Fraktur Fonts
This web site offers examples of German True Type Fonts.
German Language Books and Magazines
German Magazine Subscriptions German Editions.
Select your German magazine subscription from over one hundred German Editions of many of their popular English editions.
Lübeck Haus Bookstore German Books.
German language instruction with software, tutorial books, background books, and cultural studies.
Utility Links
Return to German Ways.Com Website Directory .
This website, German is intended as one of your links to the World of the Germans, German speaking peoples, and of our ways.
Return to German Information Directory .
A source of information about Germany, Austria, Switzerland and other German speaking lands.
Return to Lübeck Haus Bookstore Bookstore Directory .
We carry an extensive selection of the latest books for stone and timber construction, genealogy, travel, business, science, technical, and how-to books and at reasonable prices.
Visit Burg Jägerhof Castle Site .
A medieval German castle and information site.
Visit the Sedelmeier family Homepage .
Includes the families of the Sedelmeier, Kronjaeger, Paschke, Priebe, Stahl, Tescheu, Hohenzollen, Kaiser, Dörflinger, Twork, and others.
Visit the Art Gallery at Lübeck Haus .
Offers an extensive selection of more than 500,000 fine art prints, wall posters, wall tapestries, and photographs in hundreds of popular categories.
Choose your own custom frames from countless combinations of framing and matting materials. Inludes prints, posters and photographs with German themes and many are
by Gernan artists. All right on your computer screen, and with great customer service and at affordable prices.
Go to Lübeck Haus Store Store Directory .
We offer an extensive selection of books, kindle books, kindle readers, audio books, music, DVD & VHS movies, home and office electronics, electronic test equipment, computers, software, video games, cellular phones, power tools, hardware, gardening tools, clothing, jewelry, watches, games and toys.