Palm Identification and Horticulture Books

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This catalogue page has books about Palm tree horticulture, including Palm tree propagation, Palm tree identification, Palm culture and cultivation.
The following list of horticulture books were carefully selected by our research staff for nursery workers, landscapers, botanists, biologists, the do-it-yourself propagator, and home gardeners. These books were selected because their text material is clearly written, easy to follow, and usually are accompanied with instructive photographs and detailed illustrations. And that if followed closely
by the reader, the reader should be able to perform the work necessary to complete a successful landscaping or propagation project.
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Palm Tree Propagation & Identification Books
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Palm Tree Propagation & Identification Books
- Ornamental Palm Horticulture
~Usually Ships Within 2 Business Days
- -Timothy K. Broschat, Alan W. Meerow / Hardcover 255 pages / Published October 2000
This book provides a comprehensive coverage of palms, covering palm biology, palm propagation, landscape management and much more.
Perfect for commercial producers and landscapers as well as the millions of homeowners whose yards are blessed with palms.
A useful reference for the many varieties palms that are grown in many areas.
Includes 110 color plates and 82 black-and-white photographs.
Click on the book cover to read more.
- Palms Won't Grow Here and Other Myths: Warm-Climate Plants for Cooler Areas
~Usually Ships Within 2 Business Days
- -David A. Francko / Hardcover 267 pages / Published February 2003
This excellent book defining warm-climate plants and offering advice on how to grow such specimens in temperate climates.
Covers four-season care of cold-hardy palms, hardy palms, bananas, evergreens, bamboos, and other exotic temperate plants.
Provides information on trees, shrubs, and herbaceous perennials that are usually untried in common landscaping.
Learn know-how to acclimate plants, identify microclimates, choose companion plants, and provide for adequate culture and
care of cold-hardy palms such as Windmill Palms and Needle Palms. Covers a wealth of information on architectural evergreens,
deciduous trees and shrubs, and exotics. This book is valuable for those experimental gardeners in zones 5 through 8.
Includes 79 color plates and and plant resources.
Click on the book cover to read more.
- Hardy Palms and Palm-Like Plants
~Usually Ships Within 1 to 2 Weeks
- -Martyn Graham / Paperback 144 pages / Published May 2003
Palms provide strong, natural focal points in a garden and, as hardy evergreens, add year-round interest and a touch of the exotic.
Martyn Graham explains how to make the most of the variations they offer in foliage color, shape and texture and how to use this to
create successful borders and garden designs. Covering mixed plantings, hard landscaping, and the use of tubs, planters and other
containers, this book reveals how to display palms and palm-like plants to dramatic effect. As the availability of hardy palms increases,
gardeners around the world are blessed with a wider choice of varieties and greater freedom in establishing a specific character for
their garden. Over 100 of the most readily available species are listed in an extensive directory, providing an instant reference for
each. Hardiness ratings and notes on individual growing requirements identify which plants will flourish in your garden, and full
descriptions of flowers, fruits and leaves help you choose the plants that will provide the color and interest you desire.
Click on the book cover to read more.
- An Encyclopedia of Cultivated Palms
~Usually Ships Within 2 Business Days
- - Robert Lee Riffle, Paul Craf, Authors / Hardcover 528 pages / Published February 2003
This excellent encyclopedia offers a definitive account of palms that may be grown in the garden and landscape.
Because palms are often underutilized as a result of their unfamiliarity, even to tropical gardeners, the authors have documented every genus in the palm family.
Approximately 890 species are described in detail, including cold hardiness, water needs, height, and any special requirements. Generously illustrated with more than 900 photos, this volume
is as valuable as an identification guide as it is a practical handbook. It even contains photos of several palm species that have never before appeared in a general encyclopedia.
Interesting snippets of history, ethnobotany, and biology inform the text and make this a lively catalog of these remarkable plants.
Click on the book cover to read more.
- Collecting, Processing and Germinating Seeds of Wildland Plants
~Usually Ships Within 2 Business Days
- -James A Young, Cheryle G. Young / Hardcover 236 pages / Published October 1986
This comprehensive book works with the principles of collecting, harvesting, cleaning, and storage of seeds. Includes methods of stratification and other germination enhancement procedures. Includes specific collecting and germination techniques for hundreds of trees, shrubs and herbaceous plants, including many of the grasses.
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- Plants from Test Tubes: An Introduction to Micropropagation
~Usually Ships Within 2 Business Days
- -Lydiana Kyte, John G. Kleyn / Hardcover 250 pages / Published November 1996
This comprehensive manual contains everything that you need to know to begin cloning plants. Acclaimed since its first appearance as the most practical guide to plant tissue culture and widely adopted as a textbook, this standard work is now even better. This expanded edition introduces new developments in biotechnology, such as genetic engineering and cell culture. It provides detailed recipes for propagating plants from more than 30 families. It explains clearly how to set up a propagating laboratory, from a hobbyist's kitchen to an elaborate commercial enterprise.
Excellent source of information for the beginner, yet contains information useful for the more experienced. Some of the material covers commercial micropropagation operations but there is a lot information for the home gardener and hobbyist too.
This book, first published in 1983, covers the history of micropropagation, laboratory practices, advances in biotechnology, and some relevant chemistry. Procedures are provided for propagating 54 varieties of ferns, conifers, and flowering plants. Includes black & white illustrations, bibliography and a list of supply sources.
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- Greenhouse Gardener's Companion: Growing Food and Flowers in Your Greenhouse or Sunspace
~Usually Ships Within 2 Business Days
- -Shane Smith, Marjorie C. Leggitt, Illustrator / Paperback 544 pages / Published April 2000
This revised and expanded version reference book is packed with useful information that will be
especially helpful to anyone thinking of acquiring a greenhouse. This sourcebook providing everything the gardener needs to know about setting up a healthy growing environment
within a sunspace, and a complete guide to growing flowers, vegetables and herbs in the greenhouse.
Includes illustrations.
Click on the book cover to read more.
- All about Greenhouses
~Usually Ships Within 2 Business Days
- -Manufactured by Ortho Books / Paperback 96 pages / Published August 2001
Ortho's All About Greenhouses provides plans and greenhouse building tips, plus advice on kits and equipment,
and proven growing techniques.
This book is a beginner's introduction to greenhouses, and covers expert guidance on choosing, budgeting for, and building
a greenhouse. From orchids and blooming tropicals to year-round vegetables and cut flowers, you'll discover a whole
new world of gardening in your own greenhouse.
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- Visit the Washington Institute of Dendrology Research .
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This page was last revised June 12, 2018.