Farm Buildings and Gardening Shed Books

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Our research staff at Lübecks Bookstore is building an extensive selection of books dealing with gardening, raising livestock, garden and farming tools,
building farm building, fences, and gates, growing and saving heirloom seeds and plants, and more books are being added all the time.
Also included are links to gardening tools and equipment available through our gardening department.
The eighteen categories are listed here. Make your selection by clicking on a category.
This is the catalogue page for Farm Buildings, number 14 above, and lists books for improving
your knowledge of building various types of barns, sheds, and other structures. Building Small barns and sheds is less difficult,
if one knows and understands the principles and proper procedures for their design and construction.
These books are of particular interest to owners of small farms, home owners, carpenters, organic gardeners
as well as to all home gardeners.
Lübeck Haus Bookstore in association with offers these books for sale.
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Books for Farm Buildings and Gardening Sheds
This is the category number 14, dealing with books about farm building. These books include building various types of building and structures used on
small farms and for gardening purposes. These books cover barns, garages, sheds, woodsheds, toolsheds, gazebos, fences, and gates.
Putting up fences becomes less difficult, if one understands the principles and procedures, as explained in
- Building Small Barns, Sheds, and Shelters
~Usually Ships in 24 Hours
- -Monte Burch, Fred Steton (Editor)
Paperback 248 pages / Published December 1982
Another excellent book from Storey Books. Explains how to build multi-purpose barns, garages, woodsheds, toolsheds and other useful farm and outdoor structures.
Click on the book title to read more.
- Sheds: The Do-It-Yourself Guide For Backyard Builders
~Usually Ships in 24 Hours.
- -David R. Stiles / Paperback 176 pages / Published October 1998
This revised and enlarged second edition contains a lot of useful information and techniques for designing, building, and using that shed that you need.
Click on the book title to read more.
Other EditionsHardcover
- How to Build Small Barns & Outbuildings
~Usually Ships in 24 Hours.
- -Monte Burch, Ben Watson (Editor)
Paperback 280 pages / Published August 1992
This instructive book from Storey Books has twenty projects complete with detailed plans and step-by-step instructions.
Click on the book title to read more.
Other Editions: Hardcover
- Barns, Sheds & Outbuildings: Placement, Design and Construction
~Usually Ships in 24 Hours
- - Byron D. Halsted, Editor / Paperback 236 pages / Published January 1995
This reprint from yesteryear has plans for various types of farm buildings that rural householders and farmers will find useful today.
Barns, poultry houses, piggeries, corn cribs, ice houses, spring houses, granaries, smoke houses, root cellars and even kennels and
birdhouses are included in this fascinating book. Including quite a few plans for poultry houses.
Click on the book title to read more.
- Sheds and Garages
~Usually Ships in 24 Hours.
- -Sunset Books (Editor) / Paperback 128 pages / Published August 1996
This book from Sunset Books explains in clear language, illustrations, and photographs how to design and construct your own shed or garage.
Click on the book title to read more.
- Fences, Gates, and Bridges: A Practical Manual
~Usually Ships in 24 Hours.
- -George A. Martin(Editor), Castle Freeman
Paperback 192 pages / Published September 1992
A reprint of a book published at the turn of the last century, the practical information contained is quite useful today for the modern day small scale farmer.
Includes nearly three hundred illustrations.
Click on the book title to read more.
- The Homestead Builder: Practical Hints for Handy-Men
~Usually Ships in 24 Hours.
- -Charles P. Dwyer, John Kelsey / Paperback 160 pages / Published October 1998
This reprint of a 1872 homesteading guide has stood the test of time and have practical applications today for the modern day homesteader.
Click on the book title to read more.
- Building Backyard Structures: Sheds, Barns, Bins, Gazebos & Other Outdoor Construction
~Usually Ships in 24 Hours.
- -Paul Levine, Tom Bengal, Dan Thorntom
Paperback 192 pages / Published May 1997
This book shows step-by-step how to build seven structures from the foundation to the finished construction. Plus tips and techniques.
Click on the book title to read more.
- Handy Farm Devices and How to Make Them
~Usually Ships in 24 Hours.
- -Rolfe Cobleigh / Paperback 296 pages / Published March 1996
This reprint of the 1920 classic is well illustrated and should be required reading for anyone on a scale scale farm or homestead.
Click on the book title to read more.
- Fences For Pasture and Garden
~Usually Ships in 24 Hours
- -Gail Damerow. Kim Foster, Pam Art (Editors)
Paperback 106 pages / Published March 1992
A complete guide to choosing, designing, and constructing wire, rail, electric, and just about any kind of fence. Includes illustrations.
Click on the book title to read more.
- Making Paths & Walkways: Creative Ideas and Simple Techniques
~Usually Ships in 24 Hours
- -Paige Gilchrist Blomgren / Hardcover 144 pages / Published June 1999
This comprehensive instructive manual explains and covers the planning, design, and construction of all manner of walkways. Includes illustrations
and color photographs.
Click on the book title to read more.
- The Complete Guide to Trail Building and Maintenance
~Usually Ships in 24 Hours
- -Carl Demrow, David Salisbury / Paperback 256 pages, 3rd edition
Published May 1998
This useful book on train construction will be of great help on the farm and woodlot.
- The Good Woodcutter's Guide: Chain Saws, Woodlots, and portable Sawmills
~Usually Ships in 2-3 Days
- -Dave Johnson / Paperback 200 pages / Published October 1998
This practical and useful guide covers chainsaw selection, use and maintenance.
Includes a good section on portable sawmills.
Click on the book title to read more.
- The Conversion and seaoning of Wood
~Usually Ships in 24 Hours
- -William H. Brown / Paperback 222 pages / Published July 1989
This excellent book is useful for anyone making lumber from timber. For the farmer, woodworker, or other craftsman this book explains the best
way of getting the most useable seasoned limber from your logs. And how to properly season and store wood and lumber.
Click on the book title to read more.
- Composting Toilet System Books: A Practical Guide to Choosing, Planning and Maintaining Composting Toilet Systems
~Usually Ships in 2-3 Days
- -David Del Porto, Carol Steinfeld / Paperback 197 pages
Published September 1999
Composting toilet systems are becoming viable and cost-saving worldwide. This useful book explains why and how to choose, install and maintain your own system.
Click on the book title to read more.
- Building Great Sheds
~Usually Ships in 24 Hours
- -Danielle Truscott, Barry Hamel / Hardcover 160 pages / Published May 1999
Click on the book title to read more.
- Fences and Gates
~Usually Ships in 24 Hours
- -Sunset Books Editor / Paperback 96 pages / Published January 1996
This book provides you all the instruction that you will need to build a sturdy fence. Master the basics of building fences and gates. Step-by-step illustrations guide your progress every through
every step from planning, building, maintance and repairs. Provides tricks and techniques that will give professional results. Covers the latest tools, techniques and materials to make the job easier
and saves you money and time.
To read excerpts from this book, click on the book title.
- Wooden Fences
~Usually Ships in 24 Hours
- -George Nash, James P. Blair, Photographer / Hardcover 231 pages / Published November 1997
For what ever reason or purpose that you want to build a wooden fence, be it for security, privacy, or ornamentation, this book
will show you how. With some careful thought and planning, the fence that you build can both fulfill your needs and enhance your
property. This book provides practical information on how to build a fence, developing a site plan, establish the level line,
from laying it out, digging the postholes, anchoring the posts, putting everything together, and finally installing gates.
This is one of the best references available on the subject.
To read excerpts from this book, click on the book title.
- Fences, Gates, and Bridges: A Practical Manual
~Usually Ships in 24 Hours
- -George A. Martin, Freeman Castle, Jr. / Paperback 192 pages / Published September 1992
This book, first published in 1887, is a masterwork on this subject. Coverage includes rail fences, primitive fences, stone and sod fences, board fences,
picket fences & hedges, barbed wire fence and other fence types. Also includes information on wickets, gates, stiles, small bridges,culverts, and other
appurtenances. Includes illustrations.
The read excerpts from this book, click on the book title.
- How to Build Wooden Gates and Picket Fences: 100 Classic Designs
~Usually Ships in 24 Hours
- -Kevin Geist / Paperback 224 pages / Published May 1994
From country quaint to formal and elegant, this excellent guide book offers fence patterns to complement every architectural
style including a Victorian style home. It covers every aspect of fence building, from selecting the most appropriate design,
choosing the correct materials, and provides complete construction instructions for proper installation. Includes 115 line drawings.
Click on the book title to read more.
- Building Fences & Gates: How to Design and Build Them from the Ground Up
~Usually Ships in 24 Hours
- -Richard Freudenberger, Richard Babb / Paperback 144 pages / Published November 1997
This is a complete how-to manual for building fences and gates. Shows how to plan the right fences and gates for your property and requirements, choose the appropriate
materials including hardware and finishes, maintain tips, and repairing wooden fences and gates. The book also includes advice on planning, deciding the purpose of
the fence, adapting to the actual site, set and align posts, building and hanging an appropriate and functional gate. Also discussed, what tools are needed, safety tips,
and instructions and techniques on how to do things right the first time. Includes 20 photographss, 60 in color.
To read more about this book, click on the book title.
- Building Doors & Gates: Instructions, Techniques and over 100 Designs
~Usually Ships in 24 Hours
- -Alan Bridgewater, Gill Bridgewater / Paperback 192 pages / Published February 1999
This well written book features over 100 door and gate designs. Contains step-by-step instructions for hand crafting doors and gates
from simple designs to elegant designs. Shows how to design, construct, and hang several doors and gates. Includes practical tips and
techniques. 243 drawings and illustrations.
To read excerpts from this book, click on the book title.
- Building Bat Houses
~Usually Ships in 24 Hours
- -Dale Evva Gelfand / Paperback 32 pages / Published December 1997
This is Storey Country Wisdom Bulletin A-178 and has good basic information on building a bat house.
Plus general info on the habits of bats.
Click on the book title to read more.
- The Bat House Builder's Handbook
~Usually Ships in 24 Hours
- -Merlin D. Tuttle, Donna L. Hensley / Paperback 32 pages / Published December 1994
This is an excellent source of information on bats as well as detailed plans for building several bat houses. The building plans
include the size and spacing of roosting boards, openings and ventilation of the bat houses. Plus information on the color and placement
of bat houses. There is also information on identifying the species of North American bats that may reside in your area. Includes B & W pictures.
Click on the book title to read more.
- Building Great Sheds
~Usually Ships in 24 Hours
- -Danielle Truscott, Barry Hamel / Hardcover 160 pages / Published May 1999
Click on the book title to read more.
- Cabins: A Guide to Building Your Own Nature Retreat
~Usually Ships in 24 Hours
- -David R. Stiles, Jeanie Stiles, Don Metz / Paperback 240 pages / Published March 2001
This cabin building manual covers the complete building process from designing your cabin with floor plans, architectural details, building tips, and finishing the project.
Even includes a section on cabin accessories, including construction suggestions for rustic cabin furniture. Includes a list of sources, with web addresses and 400 illustrations.
Click on the book title to read more.
- Art of Natural Building
~Usually Ships Within 2 to 3 Days
- -Joseph F. Kennedy, Albert Bates, Catherine Wanek, Editors, Michael Smith
Paperback 288 pages / Published February 2002
This book is a comprehensive introduction to subject of the natural building. Useful for lay people, architects, designers, and builders who wish to build beautiful,
low-cost, and environmentally-sensible structures. From straw bale and cob, to recycled concrete and salvaged materials, this anthology of articles from leaders in
the field focuses on both the practical and the esthetic considerations of ecological building designs and techniques. Includes illustrations and additional information
Click on the book title to read more.
- Building with Earth: A Guide to Flexible-Form Earthbag Construction (A Real Goods Solar Living Book)
~Usually Ships Within 24 Hours
- -Paulina Wojciechowska / Paperback 176 pages / Published August 2001
This comprehensive book covers several types of building with earth architecture. Covers the complete process from selecting a building site, building the foundation, wall roof and completing
the structure. Includes Illustrations, bibliography, an resources for further reading.
Click on the book title to read more.
- The Cob Builders Handbook: You Can Hand-Sculpt Your Own Home
~Usually Ships in 24 Hours
- -Becky Bee, Mitch Spiralstone, Editor, Alex McMillan, Editor
Paperback 173 pages, 3rd Edition / Published March 1998
This comprehensive handbook is well written in plain, understandable language which clearly explains with detailed illustrations the complete process
of planning, designing, working with cob and constructing buildings with cob. Cob is the material with which cobbing, or mud daubing is performed. Cob
is made by mixing together earth, sand, straw and water to make a thick daub. This then is massaged and shaped into a house, cabin, workshop, or any
other durable structure that a person needs.
The complete process of building is described in detail, from selecting a site, building the foundation, walls, roof, and finishing the interior.
Includes many illustrations and a list of books for further reading.
Click on the book title to read excerpts from this book.
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This page was last updated March 22, 2018.